100 Printable Craft Flashcard Sets

Craft-a-Week Flashcard Collection
Kids' Crafts eBooks
The "In the Bag Kids' Crafts" Approach
Making crafts with your family is a great way to not only promote developmental skills but also to create bonds between you and your child for a lifetime. And even though we know how positive crafting with your kids can be, it's not always an easy thing to do. You are busy! Life is hectic. Time has a tendency to get away from us. So, we have come up with a way to make crafting with your kids more than just another thing on your massive "to do" list. Instead, we keep it super simple and give you all of the resources that you need by sticking to a master list of 27 basic craft supplies that fit into one bag. Each of these supplies is inexpensive and versatile. All of the crafts at inthebagkidscrafts.com are made using this list. We never stray from it. Once your bag is filled, you have everything that you need to make all of the fun and simple crafts on our site. Check it out.